Question: What software do I need to play video files?
- You need to have Windows Media Player installed, but we recommend to install the free GOM Player from
It's a great player, which is able to locate necessary codec for video playback by it's own. Also it's necessary to install the free DivX codec from
If you have both GOM Player and DivX codec, you should have no video playback problems at all.
Question: I have problem playing video - video files can't be opened or I have black screen with sound. How to fix?
- You need to download the latest free DivX codec/player from
Then you need Save each video on your hard disk (by pressing right mouse button on video link and choosing "Save Target As".
After that you are able to play video directly from your computer using Windows Media Player or using player provided with DivX package
Question: I have Apple PC with MacOS installed. How can I play your video?